Global Studies - Diversity & Integration - Paris: A Multicultural Perspective

Paris, France

Evelyne Accad, Professor Emerita
Dinah Armstead, Teaching Assistant


Pre-Departure Journal Assignment #2

FILM: "L'Esquive"- Games of Love and Chance
Part I:
1. Where is Krimo’s father? What’s the significance of the “sailboats” in the film? What do they represent?
2. What does Krimo do in the class in order to spend more time with Lydia since she’s always
busy with working on the play?
3. Describe the confrontation between Krimo’s friend Fathi and Lydia’s friend Frida. What was the reason behind this confrontation?
4. Describe what happened in the encounter with the police. What were your reactions/feelings about it?
5. Overall, what did you think of the film?
Bonus question: What language does “Inch’Allah” come from? What’s its meaning and why do the teens use it?

Part II
Read the New York Times article entitled, "Anger Festering in FrenchAreas Scarred in Riots" and review the entry on the riots that took place last year in Paris[]. Summarize briefly the events of last year at this time. You may utilize othernewspaper articles / web resources from this year or last year.Journal Assignments should be 2 pages minimum, but may be longer, asneeded, to fully address the questions at hand. Due date is Monday,December 18th (you are encouraged to submit your journal early). Please email to the teaching assistant.


Course Packet & Books

Course Packet:
You may purchase your course packet at:
Notes-n-Quotes Johnstown Centre (6th & John St.) 217 344-4433

**Students will need to buy 2 books prior to departure
(e.g. on and 2 books in Paris.

To be purchased before Paris:

Kuoh-Moukoury, Thérèse. Essential Encounters. Trans. And Introductory critique C. Toman. New York: MLA Texts and Translations Series, 2002.

Adnan, Etel. Sitt Marie-Rose. Sausalito: Post-Apollo Press, 1982.

The two books to be purchased in Paris are:

Accad, Evelyne. Poppy of the Massacre. (bilingual edition, Trans. and Introductory critique C. Hahn) Paris: L’Harmattan, 2006.

Aba, Noureddine. It Was Yesterday Sabra and Shatila and Montjoie Palestine! (bilingual editions) Paris: L’Harmattan, 2002.

* You will need approx. 50 euros to purchase these two books in Paris.

Pre-Departure Journal Assignment #1

a) Write about your own “culture”. This can take any direction you want, but it must be sincerely addressed.
b) Take one or more “American” value we discussed and give examples of how you’ve seen it demonstrated in American society.
If you have them, give examples of how these values have compared/conflicted with values/traditions from other cultures.

If you were not in class, you may go to the following webpage for help: ( ), however, you are not limited to this one resource. You may draw from any resource, including personal experience. While there is no “right” or “wrong” answer, well thought out, well articulated responses should be submitted by all.

Journal Assignments should be 2 pages minimum and are due by Friday, Nov. 10th. It must be submitted by e-mail to: