Global Studies - Diversity & Integration - Paris: A Multicultural Perspective

Paris, France

Evelyne Accad, Professor Emerita
Dinah Armstead, Teaching Assistant


I. The books that you’ll need to order online are :

Accad, Evelyne. Women of the Twilight. (bilingual edition, Trans. and Introductory critique C. Hahn, Prologue by Michèle Ramond) Paris: Alfabarre, 2011

Agha-Malak, Ezza. Bagdad: Deaths Untold. (Translated from the French by Cynthia Hahn) New York: Linus, 2011.

Kuoh-Moukoury, Thérèse. Essential Encounters. Trans. And Introductory critique C. Toman. New York: MLA Texts and Translations Series, 2002.

FIAP Jean Monnet

Groupe de l’University of Illinois

30 rue Cabanis

75014 PARIS


II. The course packets are ready to be picked up for $28.55 at NOTES & QUOTES in Johnstowne Center at 6th & John streets in Champaign (217-344-4433).