Global Studies - Diversity & Integration - Paris: A Multicultural Perspective

Paris, France

Evelyne Accad, Professor Emerita
Dinah Armstead, Teaching Assistant


Schedule of Activities

The schedule of activities is as follows but is subject to change in order to accommodate invited guests and activities for the course. Your assignments will be due no later than January 18th to be turned in by email earlier if possible ( or ). Registrar has asked me to have your grades turned in by January 23rd so please give me time to read and correct them properly. Keep in mind that it is imperative that you at least take notes throughout the entire course, especially after every class experience and that you keep a daily journal of your activities, impressions, feelings, remarks.

NOTE: Your self-discovery activities must be scheduled around these activities. (See syllabus)

Pre-departure: Orientation meetings done in Urbana with Dinah and Evelyne.

Sunday, Dec. 28: Leave for Paris

Monday, Dec. 29: Arrival in Paris at 9:40am on United, met by Evelyne at CDG airport terminal 1 and taken to FIAP, on-site orientations.

Special required orientation at FIAP at 6 pm with FIAP organizers.

Tuesday, Dec. 30:

10 :15 a.m. Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, Palais de la Porte Dorée, 293, avenue Daumesnil, metro : Porte Dorée. Guided tour.

Visit of Fem’Chic en Spectacle, 2 rue Livingstone, Metro Anvers, purchase of attire for dance.

Visit of Montmartre. Read Beyala’s Loukoum… in packet.

3pm Discussion with anthropologist Paul Vieille, Place to be announced. Lecture on “Walls and Globalization.” Debate on Immigration and Ethnicities, Walls and Globalization.

Read Maillard article “The Muslims in France and the French Model of Integration” and Shiva, "A Structural Crisis of Capitalism", Michel Husson and "What "Politics of Civilization"? by Sami Nair, and "How Much More French Can I Be?" French Muslim rapper Médine speaks out for second-class citizens and, "Anger Festering in French Areas Scarred in Riots, and finally, "Urban Violence in France" by Paul Silvestein and Chantal Tetreault, Nov. 2005.

Cocktail party at the FIAP at 6 pm

Wednesday, Dec. 31:

Sociological study of Barbès, the Marché Déjean, the African immigrant neighborhoods of Paris.

Visit to the Musée Dapper, art appreciation activity. 35 rue Paul Valéry. Métro: Victor Hugo or Charles de Gaulle-Etoile.

(Discovery activity opportunity during the day)

Thursday, Jan. 1: FREE

Friday, Jan. 2: Meet at FIAP at 9:45: discussion and other.

Sociological study of Belleville and the market (métro Couronnes) and the Parc des Buttes Chaumont. Bring maps in course packet.

5 pm : Visit of Vénus Khoury-Ghata at FIAP. Read A House at the Edge of Tears and come prepared to ask questions.

Saturday, Jan. 3 : Meeting to begin at 11 a.m (leave FIAP at 10 am latest to allow enough time. Visit to Women’s Immigrant Association in Saint-Denis (Femmes du Franc-Moisin).

Lunch and visit of Saint-Denis

3:30 p.m. Visit of Charisma Church, 15 boulevard de la Libération / 24 rue Charles Michels, Saint-Denis

Sunday, Jan. 4: 12 to 1:15 OR 1:15 to 2:30 p.m. Middle Eastern dance class at Sun City Gym, 90 avenue de Saint-Ouen with Instructor Nadia from Tunisia, metro Guy Moquet. Both men and women should bring a long scarf that can be tied around the waste. Women should wear a long skirt or leggings. Shoes are not worn in the studio. Purchase of Nadia’s dance music CD available.

3:00 Group lunch at Mont-Liban restaurant. 42 boulevard des Batignolles, metro: Rome.

(Opportunity for Discovery activity during the day)

Monday, Jan. 5:

10:30 : Visit of the Grande Mosquée de Paris (Place du Puits de l’Ermite, métro: Monge). Souk and tearoom after tour, followed by the Institut du Monde Arabe (métro: Jussieu) for art appreciation activity. Read: "The Muslims of France".

5 pm: Visit of Etel Adnan at FIAP. Read Sitt Marie-Rose and excerpts in packet of Paris When its Naked, “To Write in a Foreign Language”, and “The Body and the City—Evelyne Accad and Etel Adnan’s Beirut” and Sullivan on Adnan and Accad.

Tuesday, Jan. 6:

8-10 am Lycée Louis-le-Grand. Discussion of pertinent social issues with French students and their instructor, Françoise Séquestra-Karo. Formal reception to follow. Appropriate attire required (no jeans, no baggy trousers). 123 rue Saint-Jacques. Metro: Cluny La Sorbonne / Luxembourg / Saint-Michel. Bring English magazines or newspapers to share with students. Half the group on that day and the other half on Friday.

Self-discovery activity opportunity throughout the day.

5 pm: Discussion of Evelyne Accad’s The Excised. Read also “Beirut, The City that Moves Me”.

Wednesday, Jan. 7:

11:00 to 12:15 or 12:15 to 1:30 p.m.: African dance with Instructor Othman from Senegal at Sun City, metro Guy Moquet. Athletic attire suggested. Shoes are not worn in the studio. Students split in two groups each group can have lunch in the market St Ouen while the other has the class.

2:30: Visit to Technical Lycée for discussion of pertinent social issues with students and their instructors Hassen Hadjadj, Isabelle Thery, and Yves Simon. 95 rue du Dessous des Berges, metro: Bibliothèque. Please bring magazines or newspapers in English to distribute for all students.

5:30: Visit of Cheryl Toman, Professor at Case Western Reserve University, specialist on African women, latest book: Contemporaries in Cameroonian Francophone Literature. Read articles “Polygamy, Disrupted Reproduction, and the State: Muslim Migrants in Paris”, and “African Women Eliminating Borders” by Cheryl Toman and come prepared to ask questions.

7 p.m. Welcome dinner at the FIAP for our group.

Thursday, Jan. 8:

FREE (Have you completed your self-discovery activity?)

Friday, Jan. 9:

HALF GROUP: noon to 1 p.m. Lycée Louis-le-Grand. Discussion of pertinent social issues with French students and their instructor, Françoise Séquestra-Karo. Appropriate attire required (no jeans, no baggy trousers). 123 rue Saint-Jacques. Metro: Cluny La Sorbonne / Luxembourg / Saint-Michel.


2 pm: Lycée Honoré de Balzac, Collège International de Paris, 118 Blvd Bessières, metro Porte de Clichy. Discussion of pertinent social issues with French and International students, their English and International studies instructor Jackie Holland. Please bring English magazines or newspapers to share with students.

4:30 pm:  Discussion with anthropologist Paul Vieille, place to be announced.  Lecture on “Migration and Fiscal Havens,” read Economic globalization has become a war against nature and the poor, Vandana and "Streets of Fire" by James Graff , TIME Europe.

Saturday, Jan. 10:

10 am at FIAP. Presentation of self-discovery activity.

Visit of the Vietnamese neighborhood. Discuss Linda Le’s Slander. Lunch at Pho 14 (voluntary). Bring maps in packet. Visit of a Buddhist temple.

Sunday, Jan. 11: Departure from the FIAP at 9:15 am. Plane leaves at 12:50, CDG terminal 1.

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