Global Studies - Diversity & Integration - Paris: A Multicultural Perspective

Paris, France

Evelyne Accad, Professor Emerita
Dinah Armstead, Teaching Assistant


Assignments and Final Essay * Dec. 27, 2008 – Jan. 10, 2010

By January 18th, earlier if possible, you need to turn in your final 10 to 12 pages final essay by email ( or Registrar has asked me to have your grades turned in by January 23rd so please give me time to read and correct them properly. Your final essay should reflect the various parts of the assignments as described below.

ASSIGNMENTS: Note—In addition to the journal topics below, you must also add your three author interviews and a self-discovery activity (please see syllabus description). Your final assignment will consist in a 10 to 12 type written essay covering the various assignments and scheduled activities.
The following assignments are meant to guide you in writing your final essay and in preparing questions with the various visitors as well the visit to the various French lycées and asking French students questions which you should well prepare.

Journal topics. Keep a diary of the various activities observations and feelings from the moment you step on the plane to come to Paris till you return to the US; you can buy attractive little note books to carry with you at all times. Write down your overall feelings for the day with specific examples from the activities and readings covered. This will help you compose your final essay.

Tuesday, Dec. 29:
In TWO pages, choose an exhibit at the Immigration museum and comment on it thoroughly. The exhibits at this museum are usually not by one artist, but the display usually tells some kind of personal story or general reality about immigration. Tie this in to what you read in the essay, “To Write in a Foreign Language”. Did the tour add to your understanding of immigration?
Meeting an immigrant from Côte d’Ivoire, Lydie Nje, what did you learn from her about immigration issues, living in France as an immigrant, polygamy, codes of dressing, etc.? Compare her plight to that of the character in “Rejection” from So Long a Letter, Mariama Bâ.

Wednesday, Dec. 30:
In ONE page, choose one exhibit at the Musée Dapper, and analyze it, similarly to what you did at Immigration museum yesterday.
What did you learn from the visit of Visit of Cheryl Toman, Professor at Case Western Reserve University, specialist on African women, latest book: Contemporaries in Cameroonian Francophone Literature. Read “African Women Eliminating Borders”? Compare her assessment with what Lydie told you yesterday concerning her life as an immigrant. Come prepared to ask Prof Toman questions.

Thursday, Dec. 31:
In TWO pages, give your general impressions of the African and Arab immigrant neighborhoods of Paris. How do these neighborhoods compare with immigrant communities you have seen in the United States? Are there problems evident here? Any positive observations? During this visit, did you at anytime feel you stood out as a “foreigner”. Explain.

Saturday, Jan. 2:
A Day in Saint-Denis: In TWO pages, compare what you hear in the media and in the city about the perceptions of the youth of the ‘banlieue’ and what actually goes on in the housing developments as explained by the activists running the Women’s Association of Franc-Moisin. In ONE page, tell what draws this diverse group of worshippers to this megachurch and describe your own observations of the interactions of the congregation.

Sunday, Jan. 3:
In ONE page, discuss the differences between the various foods you have sampled and tried during your stay. How does Lebanese food compare to other foods?

Monday, Jan. 4: Come prepared to ask the two lecturers questions.

Tuesday, Jan. 5:
In TWO pages, comment on the following: From what you learned by visiting the Mosque, what would you say is the biggest obstacle hindering the total acceptance of the Muslim community into traditional French society? What needs to be done to overcome such an obstacle and do you foresee a solution in the near future? What do the two communities have in common? In your opinion, should France recognize polygamous marriages in the Muslim community and should co-wives and children be eligible for the same government benefits as monogamous couples? Explain.
In TWO pages, comment on the following observations you made yesterday while visiting the Institut du Monde Arabe: Look at the outside of the Institut du Monde Arabe and give your interpretation of the architectural style and message of its design. (Be sure to look at the windows closely from the inside looking out as well). Once you have entered, choose one exhibit in the institute and give your impressions of the object. Are you surprised by the representation? Even if you are inexperienced at art appreciation, study closely the object and describe the message it conveys through its shapes, lines, colors, forms, materials, etc.

Wednesday, Jan. 6:
In ONE page, discuss how the prevalence of African and Middle Eastern dance in Paris adds to the cultural landscape of the city. What did you personally learn from these two sessions?
In TWO paragraphs, discuss Christine Delorme’s visit and the discussion around the film Moolade as well as the producer Sembene Ousmane, come prepared to ask her questions.

Friday, Jan. 8:
In THREE pages, and after having used the same set of questions for all three schools, compare and contrast the student reactions to your questions. Do you believe that the immigrant students you have witnessed at the schools have integrated well into French life? Does it seem that some immigrants have integrated better than others? What accounts for such differences, in your opinion? Compare the students’ perspectives of the immigrant experience and multiculturalism at Lycée Honoré de Balzac, ETSL, and Lycée Louis-le-Grand. Do you believe social class influences the opinions of students? Choose at least one interesting comment from each group of students and discuss your personal reaction to each.

Saturday, Jan. 9:
In TWO pages, explain if you notice any differences between the Asian neighborhood and the Arab and African neighborhoods. In France and in other Western cultures, it has been said that Asians are the “privileged minority”. While Westerns see this as a “compliment”, Asians are often insulted by this appellation. Explain.

In ONE page, give your general impressions of the course experience. What was your favorite part of the course? What was surprising to you? Did you have any opinions before the trip that have changed with this experience? Did you find Francophone literature to be vastly different from Western European or American literature or how is it the same? What did you learn from the discussions on identity, globalization and migration? Is the world a safer place for you after encountering, discussing and observing the issues at stake?

FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS (To be completed as essays – two paragraphs minimum).

What did you learn from the visit and discussion with anthropologist Paul Vieille and all of your readings on identity?

1. If you had to define your own identity, what would you say it is composed of?

2. In your opinion what is being achieved in France with the debates around identity?

3. How would you define French identity if it can be defined?

4. What are the contradictions between denying people free access to other countries (free movement of people) and globalization?

The Excised (Answer all)

1. What is the symbolism of ‘the excised’? And how does this symbolism feed into the overall meaning of the novel?

2. Is love between a Moslem and a Christian possible? What is the role of religion in the novel?

3. Can you relate to the life events of the main character? Give differences and similarities with your own life.

Sitt Marie Rose (Answer all)

1. What does Marie Rose represent?

2. Why are the shabab afraid of her?

3. What is the message of the novel?

Essential Encounters (choose two of four)

1. Encouraging a relationship to develop between Joël and Doris, Flo jokes that she is merely following African tradition whereby a woman could chose a second wife for her husband. She soon finds her plan is no laughing matter. Give specific reasons why this once acceptable tradition can no longer work in contemporary African society.

2. Besides the situation mentioned in question #1, what other conflicts can tradition impose upon the modern African couple? Give examples from the novel.

3. What is the purpose of adding the character of Zimba to the novel? What does she represent?

4.Analyze the characters of either Flo or Doris in the novel. Are these portraits of strong women or weak women? Explain your answer thoroughly.

Self-guided discovery / ethnic neighborhood report (oral and written)

In groups of four to five students maximum (8 groups of 4 and one of 5), choose one cluster of addresses below and pick three addresses to visit within the cluster. The places you visit may be large or small, the employees and / or volunteers may or may not speak English, some may be friendlier than others, but this is part of the discovery activity—to gather information in an environment with which you are totally unfamiliar. If you do not have a Paris street guide, there is a map of the immediate area at each metro stop which will allow you to find the streets indicated. At each location, look for written materials to take along with you and do not be afraid to ask questions or to explain to those on-site what the goal of your course is. You will write up your findings in TWO pages and your group will also present your discoveries (and adventures) to the class.

Each group will have to choose a DIFFERENT neighborhood so we don’t get repetitious reports. There will be a sign up sheet for you to choose the ethnic neighborhood!

Cluster 1: The Maghreb (North Africa)

Centre Culturel Algérien (Algerian Cultural Center)
171 rue de la Croix-Nivert, metro : Felix-Faure, Mon. – Sat. 9-17h30 or evenings with special exhibits

Nina Bazar
35 boulevard de Belleville, metro : Belleville, Tues – Sat. 9h30 to 19h30 (Arab market)

Maison Franco-Orientale
19 rue Daubenton, Metro : Censier-Daubenton or Monge
Food Products from North Africa and the Middle East

Le 404 and Andy Wahloo
69 rue Gravilliers, Metro: Arts-et-Métiers
Restaurant and club run by a family of Moroccan brothers. Has gained the attentions of all trendy Parisians. Open for lunch and Sunday for brunch. Open evenings, of course!

Cluster 2: The Mashrek: representative countries: Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria (if you choose this cluster, do not make all three visits to Egyptian sights alone)

Egypt :
Centre Culturel d’Egypte (Egyptian Cultural Center)
111 boulevard Saint-Michel, metro : Luxembourg, Mon. – Fri. 10-19h

Quartier de la Foire au Caire
Place, passage, et rue du Caire, rue d’Aboukir, rue de Domiette, metro: Réamur-Sebastopol, weekdays and Saturday from 11-2 p.m.
(entire Eygptian-influenced neighborhood from 1798—although the neighborhood is no longer Egyptian, it will not take you long to discover its Egyptian roots—in particular, look at the facade at 2, place du Caire and enter the passageway)

Maison d’Egypte (Egypt House)
132 ave du Maine, metro: Gaité, Mon. – Sat. 10-2 and 3-7

Lebanon :
Eglise Maronite Notre-Dame du Liban
15-17 rue d’Ulm, metro : Luxembourg

Syria :
Centre Culturel arabe syrien (Arab-Syrian Cultural Center)
12 rue de Tourville, metro : Ecole Militaire, Mon. – Thurs. 10-6, Friday, 10-3

Maison Franco-Orientale
19 rue Daubenton, Metro : Censier-Daubenton or Monge
Food Products from North Africa and the Middle East

Cluster 3 : Kurdistan, Turkey, and Armenia :

Kurdistan :
Institut Kurde (Kurdish Institute)
106 rue LaFayette, back courtyard, metro : Poissonière, Mon-Fri. 9h30-6:30 and Sat. 2-6.

Centre culturel kurde Ahmet Kaya
16 rue d’Enghien, metro : Strasbourg-Saint-Denis, everyday 10-19h

Eglise du Saint-Esprit
186 avenue Daumesnil, metro: Daumesnil (replica of the Aya Sofia mosque in Istanbul)

14 rue Charles V, metro: Saint-Paul, Tues-Fri. 11-19h, Saturday 14h-19h (Turkish bazaar)

Maison de la culture arménienne (House of Armenian Culture)
17 rue Bleue, metro : Cadet (various activities and hours)

Cluster 4: Iran:

Centre Culturel Pouya
48 bis quai de Jemmapes, metro: République, everyday from 10-22h (independent, secular center for
Persian arts)

Centre culturel iranien (Iranian cultural center)
6 rue Jean-Béart, metro : Saint-Sulpice, Mon.-Sat. 15h-19h

Artisanat d’Iran (Iranian artistic goods)
28 rue Gay-Lussac, metro : Luxembourg, Mon-Sat. 10h-19h30.

Cluster 5 : Sub-Saharan Africa:

Notre Dame des Buttes-Chaumont
80 rue de Meaux, metro : Bolivar, every day with special Kimbangu services on Sundays from 15h-17h
(Kimbangu is an African Christian group originating from Congo-Kinshasa and Angola)

3 Passage du Grand-cerf, Metro: Etienne Marcel AND 35 rue Saint-Paul, Metro : Saint-Paul
Tues. – Sat. 11h30-19h30 (African furniture and housewares)

Xuly Bet
Espace Créateurs in Les Halles Shopping Mall, Metro: Les Halles
11 a.m.- 7 p.m. Tues.—Sat. (Monday from 2-7 p.m.
One of the first African fashion designers to gain acclaim in Paris.

3 (boutique) and 15 (art gallery) rue Elzévir, metro :Saint-Paul, Mon.-Sat. 11-19h and Sunday 14-19
(boutique only)

Espace Reine de Saba (Cultural Center of Yemen and Ethiopia)
30 rue Pradier, metro: Buttes-Chaumont or Pyrénées, Tues. thru Sunday 14h-19h, opens at 11 on

Maison d’Ethiopie (Ethiopia House)
19 rue Copreaux, Metro: Volontaires, Tues. to Sun. From 11 to 19h

9 bis cours des Petites Ecuries (passageway intersecting at 63 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, Metro : Strasbourg-Saint
Denis (Restaurant, bar, music, and dancing from Cap-Vert)

Cluster 6: Tibet:

Bureau du Tibet et Maison du Tibet (Official office of Tibetan government in exile and Culture center)
84 boulevard Adolphe Pinard, metro : Malakoff-Plateau de Vanves

La Maison de l’Indochine (Cultural Center for Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia)
76 rue Bonaparte, Metro : Saint-Sulpice, Mon. to Sat. from 10-19h

Galerie de la Maison du Viêt-nam (Vietnamese art market)
28 rue des Bernardins, metro : Maubert-Mutualité, Mon. to Sat. 11-19h

Cluster 7: India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan:

Sri Manika Vinayakar Alayam (Very friendly Hindu temple—you must leave shoes at the door)
72 rue du Philippe-de-Girard, metro : Max Dormoy, everyday from 9h30-20h30

Centre Mandapa (Indian cultural center)
6 rue Wurtz, metro : Glacière, Mon. to Sat. 11-19h

New Shamina Super Market (Indian bazaar)
184 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, metro : La Chapelle, Mon-Sat. 10h-20h.

VT Cash and Carry (Indian supermarket)
15 rue Cail, metro: La Chapelle, 9-9 p.m everyday but Monday

Ganesha Corner (Indian and Sri Lankan bakery, snackshop, and restaurant)
16 rue Perdonnet, Metro: La Chapelle

Note : The Pakistani neighborhoods can be found in the Rue de Jarry (metro: Gare de l’Est) and the Passage Brady (metro: Strasbourg Saint-Denis). You may also choose one or both of these sites for this cluster.

Latin / South America:

Oba—Mercado General (artsy and trendy store featuring items only from Brazil
83 Quai de Valmy, Metro: Jacques Bonsergent (overlooking the Canal Saint-Martin)

Mexi et Co.
10 rue Dante, Metro : Cluny-La Sorbonne
VERY tiny and VERY popular Mexican cantina run by a Mexican woman in Paris for 26 years. Cheap food if you want to come for lunch or dinner.

Maison de l’Amérique Latine
217 boulevard Saint-Germain, Metro: Solferino
Art exhibits, conferences, restaurant

Mission Latino-Americana
123 rue de la Santé et 122 rue de la Glacière, Metro : Glacière
Church and parish known by all Latin-Americans in Paris

Duo Style
168 bis rue de Charonne, Metro: Alexandre Dumas (located at the very end of the passageway)
Elaborate costumes for those interested in Salsa, Tango, Rhumba, and Mambo

La Boutique d’Amérique Latine
64 and 68 boulevard Pasteur, Metro: Pasteur
The largest Latin American traditional craft and clothing store in Paris


Schedule of Activities

The schedule of activities is as follows but is subject to change in order to accommodate invited guests and activities for the course. Your assignments will be due no later than January 18th to be turned in by email earlier if possible ( or ). Registrar has asked me to have your grades turned in by January 23rd so please give me time to read and correct them properly. Keep in mind that it is imperative that you at least take notes throughout the entire course, especially after every class experience and that you keep a daily journal of your activities, impressions, feelings, remarks.
NOTE: Your self-discovery activities must be scheduled around these activities. (See syllabus)
Pre-departure: Orientation meetings done in Urbana with Dinah and Evelyne.
Sunday, Dec. 27: Leave for Paris - AF#667 – Chicago O’Hare/Paris – 5:25 PM

Monday, Dec. 28: Arrival in Paris at 8:35a.m. on AirFrance/Delta, met by Evelyne at CDG airport terminal 2E and taken to FIAP (30 rue Cabanis, Paris 75014, métro Glacière,, tel 33 1 43131700), on-site orientations.
6 pm Special required orientation at FIAP with FIAP organizers.

Tuesday, Dec. 29:
10 :30 a.m. Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, Palais de la Porte Dorée, 293, avenue Daumesnil, Métro : Porte Dorée.
Visit of Fem’Chic en Spectacle, 2 rue Livingstone, Métro Anvers, purchase of attire for dance.
Visit of Montmartre.
4 pm: FIAP: interview with Lydie Dje, an immigrant from Côte d’Ivoire, come prepared to ask her questions. Read “Rejection” from So Long a Letter, Mariama Bâ
6 pm FIAP: Cocktail party.

Wednesday, Dec. 30:
10 am: Sociological study of Barbès, the Marché Déjean, the African immigrant neighborhoods of Paris.
Visit to the Musée Dapper, art appreciation activity. 35 rue Paul Valéry. Métro: Victor Hugo or Charles de Gaulle-Etoile.
5 pm: Visit of Cheryl Toman, Professor at Case Western Reserve University, specialist on African women, latest book: Contemporaries in Cameroonian Francophone Literature. Read “African Women Eliminating Borders”
article by Toman and come prepared to ask questions.

Thursday, Jan. 31: 10:30: Sociological study of Belleville and the market (Métro: Couronnes)
(Discovery activity opportunity during the day)

Friday, Jan. 1: FREE

Saturday, Jan. 2: Meeting to begin at 11 a.m (leave FIAP at 9:30 am latest to allow enough time. Visit to Women’s Immigrant Association in Saint-Denis (Femmes du Franc-Moisin).
Lunch and visit of Saint-Denis
3:30 p.m. Visit of Charisma Church, 15 boulevard de la Libération / 24 rue Charles Michels, Saint-Denis

Sunday, Jan. 3: (Opportunity for Discovery activity during the day)
12 to 1:30 p.m. Middle Eastern dance class at Sun City Gym, 2-4 rue de l’Ancienne Mairie 92110 CLICHY, Nadia from Tunisia, métro Mairie de Clichy. The whole group together, bigger room; both men and women should bring a long scarf that can be tied around the waste. Women should wear a long skirt or leggings. Shoes are not worn in the studio.
2:00 Group lunch at Mont-Liban restaurant. 42 boulevard des Batignolles, métro: Rome.

Monday, Jan. 4:
[Self-discovery activity opportunity throughout the day.]
3pm Discussion with anthropologist Paul Vieille at FIAP, on “National Identity and Urban Violence.”
Read: “TheTrouble with French Identity” , G. Pascal Zachary, “A Struggle for Identity: The Extreme Right in France” Alex Zakaras, “A Structural Crisis of Capitalism” Michel Husson, “Anger Festering in French Areas Scarred in Riots” New York Times, “Urban Violence in France” Paul Silverstein and Chantal Tetreault.
5 pm: Discussion of Evelyne Accad’s The Excised. Read also “Beirut, The City that Moves Me”.

Tuesday, Jan. 5:
10:00: Visit of the Grande Mosquée de Paris (Place du Puits de l’Ermite, métro: Monge). Souk and tearoom after tour, followed by the Institut du Monde Arabe (métro: Jussieu) for art appreciation activity. Read: “The Muslims in France and the French Model of Integration” by Dominique Maillard (2005) and “The Long Trial” by Andrée Chedid.
2-4 PM Lycée Louis-le-Grand. Discussion of pertinent social issues with French students and their instructor, Françoise Séquestra-Karo. Formal reception to follow. Appropriate attire required (no jeans, no baggy trousers). 123 rue Saint-Jacques. Métro: Cluny La Sorbonne / Luxembourg / Saint-Michel. Bring English magazines or newspapers to share with students.
5 pm: Visit of Etel Adnan at her place (28 rue Madame, Paris 75006, metro Saint Sulpice). Read Sitt Marie-Rose and excerpts in packet of Paris When its Naked, “To Write in a Foreign Language”, and “The Body and the City—Evelyne Accad and Etel Adnan’s Beirut” and Sullivan on Adnan and Accad. Come prepared to ask her questions.

Wednesday, Jan. 6:
11:00 to 12:15 or 12:15 to 1:30 p.m.: African dance with Instructor Ousmane from Senegal at Sun City, Métro Guy Moquet. Athletic attire suggested. You can also wear an African “pagne” (loin cloth). Shoes are not worn in the studio. Students will be split in two groups each group can have lunch in the market St Ouen and visit that interesting market while the other has the class (there is a nice inexpensive Turkish restaurant, kebab, fries, etc, right next to the studio).
2:30: Visit to Technical Lycée for discussion of pertinent social issues with students and their instructors Hassen Hadjadj, Isabelle Thery, and Yves Simon. 95 rue du Dessous des Berges, Métro: Bibliothèque. Please bring magazines or newspapers in English to distribute for all students.
5:15: Interview with Christine Delorme, journalist and radio producer of cultural programs, film producer (one on Sembene Ousmane director of Moolade film), come prepared to ask her questions.
7 p.m. Welcome dinner at the FIAP for our group.

Thursday, Jan. 7:
FREE (Have you completed your self-discovery activity?)

Friday, Jan. 8:
11 am or 2pm: Lycée Honoré de Balzac, Collège International de Paris, 118 Blvd Bessières, métro Porte de Clichy. Discussion of pertinent social issues with French and International students, their English and International studies instructor Jackie Holland. Please bring English magazines or newspapers to share with students.
3 or 5 pm: Visit of Thérèse Kuoh-Moukoury at FIAP or near her place. Read Essential Encounters and come prepared to ask questions.

Saturday, Jan. 9:
10 am at FIAP. Presentation of self-discovery activity.
Visit of the Vietnamese neighbourhood, métro Tolbiac. Discuss Linda Le’s Slander. Lunch at Pho 14 (voluntary). Visit of a Buddhist temple.

Sunday, Jan. 10: Departure from the FIAP at 7:15 a.m. Plane leaves at 10:35 a.m., CDG Terminal 2E.
AF#664– Depart Paris: 10:35 AM – Arrive Chicago O’Hare: 12:55 PM 1/10/10


Course Description

This course will introduce students to the impact of globalization through the study of the immigrant experience in Paris, its multi-cultural identities with the negotiation of cultural beliefs and practices. They will be made aware of cultural diversity with an appreciation for others; their interest as well as their understanding of other cultures will be aroused through the celebration/appreciation of diversity, broadening their disciplinary and cultural perspective. They will improve their critical and analytical thinking through comparisons with French education versus their US experience thanks to the visits they will have in French schools and talking to French students as well as their visits to immigrant associations.

The students come to appreciate African, Asian and Arab cultures that they encounter during their stay in Paris through sampling a day-in-the-life of the protagonists from the novels. Due to the fact that these characters “come alive” through these visits, the students are likely to be more accepting and understanding of cultural differences due to the human element that has been introduced by the readings.

By the end of the course conducted in Paris, the student will have read and discussed works by prominent authors of Sub-Saharan Africa, Vietnemese and the Maghreb/Mashrek such as Accad, Adnan, Agha-Malak, Bâ, Chedid, Djebar, Khoury-Ghata, Kuoh-Moukoury, Labaky, Sebbar, Sembene, Van Kang, Thaï and others. The students will be able to identify both literature-specific and universal themes, and will be made aware of issues that deal with women of the developing world and the Arab and African immigrant experience in particular.

The student will debate and explore issues such as feminism, racism, colonialism, independence, identity, post-independence, polygamy, the veil, religious tolerance, the Algerian revolution, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Lebanese war, Islamism, today's Algerian situation, the Palestinian question, and other aspects of a multi-cultural society.

Students will supplement the reading of novels and articles with interviews with the authors themselves, and various other visits to artistic and cultural centers. Students will also visit French secondary schools and classes préparatoires to discuss first hand the views of France’s youth on multiculturalism and other pertinent issues during a round table format designed specifically for that purpose.

Course texts

• Accad, Evelyne. The Excised (L’Exicisée)
• Adnan, Etel. Sitt Marie-Rose. Rose (English version) Sausalito: Post-Apollo Press, 1982.
• Kuoh-Moukoury, Thérèse. Essential Encounters. Trans. And Introductory critique C. Toman. New York

Articles and Essays,
(in course packet)

“African Women Eliminating Borders” by Cheryl Toman (2004)
“Beirut, The City that Moves Me” by Evelyne Accad (2002)
“To Write in a Foreign Language” by Etel Adnan (1996)
“Paris When It’s Naked” (excerpts) by Etel Adnan, 1993
“The Body and the City—Evelyne Accad and Etel Adnan’s Beirut” by Zohreh Sullivan (2006)
“The Muslims in France and the French Model of Integration” by Dominique Maillard (2005)
“Rejection” from So Long a Letter, Mariama Bâ
“TheTrouble with French Identity” , G. Pascal Zachary
“A Struggle for Identity: The Extreme Right in France” Alex Zakaras
“A Structural Crisis of Capitalism” Michel Husson
“Anger Festering in French Areas Scarred in Riots” New York Times
“Urban Violence in France” Paul Silverstein and Chantal Tetreault
Slander (excerpts) by Linda Lê, 1996
“The Long Trial” by Andrée Chedid

Pre-departure meetings
There will be several meetings prior to departure, work sessions for the students with the director and with the assistant. These sessions are meant to prepare them to their experience and class in Paris: practical information, logistics, introduction to what they can expect, questions and answers. When they arrive in Paris, there will be more orientation at the FIAP (the Foyer International, place where they will be staying) from the personnel there and also from the director and assistant.

• 10% Pre-Departure Reaction Papers and Orientation sessions
• 20% Journal
• 20% Interviews with authors/scholars
• 10% Self-guided ethnic neighborhood report (oral and written)
• 15% Participation, attendance, prepared activities, orientation.
• 25% Final exam

Students will be responsible for writing their reflections in essays of two pages minimum per day. Journals will include both guided and free writing exercises based on the course activities. Within these journal assignments, you will also write on our visit with English classes and their instructors at three very diverse schools in Paris. During the visits at these lycées, students should have various questions in mind to ask their French counterparts. Questions should be related to the themes of the course, and the various responses will be recorded in the journal assignments for that particular day. It is also to be expected that American students will respond frankly and thoughtfully to any questions the French students may have for them as well. The purpose of the exchange is to promote understanding and to identify cultural parallels.

Lycée visits
During the visits at the lycées, students should have various questions in mind to ask their French counterparts. Questions should be related to the themes of the course, and the various responses will be recorded in the journal assignments for that particular day. It is also expected that American students will respond frankly and thoughtfully to any questions the French students may have for them as well. The purpose of the exchange is to promote understanding and to identify cultural parallels.

Interviews with authors and guest speakers
Students are expected to formulate three questions to be asked during the session with the authors: Accad, a prominent Arab novelist / scholar writing on Arab women, Kuoh-Moukoury, the first woman novelist of Sub-Saharan Africa, and Adnan, a highly acclaimed Lebanese writer. This year there will also be an immigrant woman from Côte d’Ivoire, an film producer, and a well-known French anthropologist. Questions should be thought provoking and perhaps question a certain interpretation of the reading. Questions and answers are to then be summarized in a report form.

Self-guided ethnic neighborhood report
Self-guided ethnic neighborhood report (oral and written): The course allows us to cover in depth only the largest immigrant communities in Paris. Therefore, time will be set aside for students to discover in groups of four or five certain other ethnic communities in Paris by visiting locations frequented by members of the Turkish, Kurdish, Indian, Egyptian, Armenian, Iranian, Congolese, and Tibetan communities among others. Each discovery will include three or four addresses provided by the instructors. Students are responsible the following day to report on their research to the class. A written report is also to be included in the final paper.

Students must attend every class. Each absence will result in a significant reduction and missed assignments. Students are also expected to participate rigorously in any discussions and activities. Students who miss more than two class sessions automatically without a good excuse receive a grade of “F”.

Final exam
An essay-style exam based on the material covered in the course, and interpretation and analysis of the readings. Course material may be consulted to complete the exam.



Accad, Evelyne, L’Excisée / The Excised

Kuoh-Moukoury, Thérèse. Essential Encounters. Trans. And Introductory critique C. Toman. New York: MLA Texts and Translations Series, 2002.

Adnan, Etel. Sitt Marie-Rose. Sausalito: Post-Apollo Press, 1982.

Course Packet:

Notes-n-Quotes Johnstown Centre (6th & John St.) 217 344-4433