Come to appreciate Paris' multiculturalism through the eyes and stories of immigrants from African, Asian, and Arab cultures. Explore global themes on human existence from the immigrants' perspective. Debate and explore issues such as feminism, racisim, colonialism, independence, post-independence, polygamy, the veil, religious tolerance, the Algerian revolution, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Lebanese war, Islamism, today's Algerian situation, the Palenstinian question, and other aspects of a multi-cultural society. Supplement reading of novels and articles with interviews with the authors themselves, visits to artistic and cultural centers, French secondary schools and classes preparatoire to discuss firsthand the views of France's youth on multiculturalism and other pertinent issues during a round table formate designed specifically for that purpose.
Je me souvien Prof. Accad. Cette programme est magnifique! As tu besoin d'un assistant pour ton assistant? LOL
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely woman!!! I just love her, although we haven't met each other personally.